I Love You, but..

Married couple Jennie & Chris Geere bring you a weekly dose of silliness and fun in this positive and true-to-life podcast. WARNING: contains many ear-catching jingles! ENJOY!!

Hosted by

About the Show

Married couple Jennie & Chris Geere bring you a weekly dose of silliness and fun in this positive and true-to-life podcast.
WARNING: contains many ear-catching jingles! ENJOY!!

Meet our Hosts

Chris Geere

Chris Geere

Chris is hilarious man. I wrote this myself, can you tell?! Well actually, Jen typed it out to be fair. I've had a lovely time acting over the last 20 years and decided to add an extra string to my bow by presenting our "poddo" to the world! We really hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed making it. (I am the director by the way.) ENJOY!

Jennie Sawdon (Geere)

Jennie Sawdon (Geere)

Jennie here (winky face). I'm a singer and pianist heralding from the wonderful land of Manchester in the UK. Chris and I have spent 15 years with each other and I couldn't commend him higher for his marital hilarity - what a lucky girl I am. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my witty repartee in this exceptional podcast that we have lovingly made for your wonderful ears. Also, if your ears are up for anymore bliss, the album of orginal music that I made 10 ten years ago is sitting in my loft at home. My husband feels sad about this because it's some of the most beautiful story-telling music that he has ever heard. He said he wants the world to hear it too...so that was very nice of him. (available on Spotify under Jennie Sawdon - "Fighting the Fairytale.") Peace out, Jen (wink) PS This is totally Chris that wrote this if you didn't guess LOL